Selective isolation of live/dead cells using contactless dielectrophoresis (cDEP)
Equipment: Plasma Power Supply Systems - Model no. AL-50-HF-A Wideband AC Power Amplifier & Custom Made High Voltage High Frequency Transformer
User: Virginia Tech
Research and Application: Contactless dielectrophoresis method of isolating live and dead cells based on their dielectric properties by challenging the effect of different voltages and frequencies.
Our client from Virginia Tech bought our plasma power supply system (a combination of model no. AL-50-HF-A wideband AC power amplifier and custom-made high voltage high-frequency transformer) for their contactless dielectrophoresis (cDEP) testing. Contactless dielectrophoresis (cDEP) is a method that uses electrodes for manipulating and isolating cells without direct contact with the sample fluid. This study demonstrated that DEP was highly effective and efficient in isolating live cells from dead cells without direct contact, minimizing the damage to the cells.
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Hadi Shafiee, Michael B. Sano, Erin A. Henslee, John L. Caldwell, and Rafael V. Davalos, et al. “Selective Isolation of Live/Dead Cells Using Contactless Dielectrophoresis (CDEP).” Lab on a Chip, vol. 10, no. 4, 2010, p. 438
Equipment: Plasma Power Supply Systems - Model no. AL-50-HF-A Wideband AC Power Amplifier & Custom Made High Voltage High Frequency Transformer
User: Virginia Tech
Research and Application: Contactless dielectrophoresis method of isolating live and dead cells based on their dielectric properties by challenging the effect of different voltages and frequencies.
Our client from Virginia Tech bought our plasma power supply system (a combination of model no. AL-50-HF-A wideband AC power amplifier and custom-made high voltage high-frequency transformer) for their contactless dielectrophoresis (cDEP) testing. Contactless dielectrophoresis (cDEP) is a method that uses electrodes for manipulating and isolating cells without direct contact with the sample fluid. This study demonstrated that DEP was highly effective and efficient in isolating live cells from dead cells without direct contact, minimizing the damage to the cells.
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Hadi Shafiee, Michael B. Sano, Erin A. Henslee, John L. Caldwell, and Rafael V. Davalos, et al. “Selective Isolation of Live/Dead Cells Using Contactless Dielectrophoresis (CDEP).” Lab on a Chip, vol. 10, no. 4, 2010, p. 438